Tuesday, October 30, 2007

October Sailing

Hilary, Seth and I continued our tradition of doing 'lots of fun stuff together' and went for a sail on Sunday. It was cold. Really cold. But it was fantastic! The wind was blowing 20 knots with gusts up to 30. We had to put a reef in the sail and abandon the jib while going up-wind. This made for a slow journey home through some big chop. Hilary bravely stood forward with her back to the wind to block the spray. Thanks honey!

Besides the cold and the wet, it was a perfect day for sailing: lots of wind, blue skies and almost no motor boats. Only problem was we got back so late that we missed the first 3/4 of the 52-7 rout of the Redskins.

Oh, the Sox also won the World Series that night, but we were too tired to celebrate properly.

Seth uploaded some pictures from the water.


Blogger Seth said...

It's always sad when you miss the tense parts of a 52-7 blowout. I feel like I missed the birth of my 37th child.

6:39 AM  

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